Feed the soil & combat against pests.
Support the health and success of your landscape with proactive fertilization and wholistic ecological preventions. Resource your trees to defend against common pests and diseases with soil injections. Build a healthy soil biome with compost tea. Promote lush turf growth with pre-emergents and well-timed fertilization.
Our team of Qualified Supervisors pursue continuing education each year to stay at the forefront of new technologies and best practices bringing you the best of what PHC can offer.
We take a wholistic approach to tree health to build facets of environmental support and pathways towards integrated pest management:
Compost Tea Application: Builds healthy soil biomes by introducing beneficial mycorrhizae. These increase the capacity for water and nutrients to be absorbed, binding to the root structure and increasing the surface area of the root systems
Using alternatives to insecticides such as Hort oil to control aphids
High Altitude Turf Program: Uses a proprietary blend of preemergents and fertilizers to promote robust turf health
Loss prevention from common pests and diseases such as aphids and spider mites:
Diagnostic Evaluations
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Tree & Landscape Pest Control
Deep Root Fertilization
High Altitude Turf Program
Soil Samples and Analysis
Noxious Weed Control